Jane Mc Adam FREUD

Jane McAdam Freud, figlia di Lucian Freud e Katherine McAdam e nipote di Sigmund Freud, nasce a Londra il 24 febbraio del 1958. McAdam Freud è un’artista di fama internazionale, ha vinto la Trebbia Award 2014 per i suoi lavori in scultura, l’installazione, i digital media e disegni.

I suoi lavori sono presenti in molte collezioni d’arte inglesi come ad esempio il British Museum, Victoria and Albert Museum, National Gallery a London, the Ashmolean Museum and Fitzwilliam Museum. McAdam Freud è presente inoltre in collezioni pubbliche internazionali come il Zendai Museum of Modern Art (China), il Brooklyn Museum (NY, USA), il Carnegie Museums of Pittsburgh (USA), la Greek National Gallery, il Berlin State Museums e la Pushkin Museum of Fine Art, Moscow.

McAdam Freud inizia la sua carriera con una personale all’età di 18 anni curata del suo maestro d’arte Robin Gale.

Si forma al Wimbledon College of Art, Central School of Art e alla Royal College of Art sotto Jogn Stezaker e Eduardo Paolozzi. Nel 1986 vince il British Art Medal Scholarship a Rome dove studia scultura. 1987-89 studiava sotto Gino Marotta a la Accademia di Belle Arti di Roma. McAdam Freud è una docente associata al Central St Martins School of Art e tiene corsi alla Royal Academy of Fine Art, Antwerp and in the Sculpture School at Morley College.

McAdam Freud è socia della Royal British Society of Sculptors. Nel 1991 ha ricevuto l’Italian State Mint prize and granted Freedom of the City of London. Ha pubblicato due cataloghi; On the Edge 1996, Relative Relations 2006 e numerosi scritti sull’arte e la psicoanalisi.

McAdam Freud realizza un cortometraggio dal titolo ‘Dead or Alive’ fa riferimento il concetto freudiano di condensazione.


Royal College of Art, London (MA RCA)
Central St. Martins, London (BA Hons)
British Art Medal Scholarship in Rome
Royal Academy of Art, London – corso fusione del bronzo sponsorizzato da  the Worshipful Company of Founders


2021          Gazelli Art House London
2020          Gazelli Art House Baku
2020          Headstone Museum
2019           Spatiu Intact, Cluj
2019           Museo Attivo Claudia Costa, Quarto, Genoa, Italy
2019           Palazzo Ducale, Genoa, Italy
2019           Palazzo Tagliaferro, Andora, Italy
2019           (Feb-Mag) Oradea City Museum, Oradea, Romania
2018           (Ott-Nov) Jekza Gallery, Timisoara, Romania
17-18          (Nov-Mag) Freud Study Merge, CE Contemporary, Milan
17-18          (Nov-Gent) Gazelli Art House, London
2017           (Ott) Societe Psychanalytique de Paris, Lyon, France, exhib and presentation
2017           (Set 28-Nov 15) Museum of Modern Art, Ascona, Lugano, Switzerland
2017           Mag 27- Lug 1)  Pasmore Gallery, Harrow School, London
2017           (Mag 16 -24) C2 Contemporary-Di Pinto, Florence, Italy
2017           (Mag 24) Symposium and Exhibition with works by Claudio Costa, Silesiun Uni. of Mestre, Vencice, Italy
2017           (Mar) TIMH, NY Psychoanalytic Association – small works display , NY, USA

2016           (April 16) Meet the Artist, Works presented,Istanbul Psychoanalytic Association, Istanbul
15-16          (Dic 18- Mag 5)  Wooyang Art Museum, Gyeongju-si, South
2015            (Lug 3 – Ago 15) Gazelli Art House, Mayfair, London Mother Mould
15/16           Wooyang Contemporary Art Museum South Korea Retrospective

2014           (Ott 17- Nov 14) Ivy House, Hampstead, London The Dance of Disapproval
2014           (Giu) 2 man show at The Priory, Roehampton Parallels
2014           (Mag – Giu) Gallery Martini Ronchetti, Genoa, Italy Recent Works
2014           (Mag – Giu) C2 Contemporanea,Florence, Italy In the Mould of the Fathers
2014           (April) British Psychotherapy Foundation In My Own Image – Ill Fit
2014           (Feb 5 – Mar 2) Harrow Arts Centre, NW London, Painted Earth

2013           (Lug 17-Ott 13) Pushkin Museum of Fine Arts, Moscow, Russia Pushkin Museum exhibition
2013           (Gen-Mar) Palazzo Tagliaferro, Andora, Italy Palazzo Tagliaferro exhibition
2013           (Gen-Mar) Gazelli Art House, Baku, Azerbaijan Gazelli Art House, Baku exhibition

2012           (Gen-Lug) Whitelabs Gallery, Milan, Italy Whitelabs Gallery exhibition
2012           (Giu-Lug)  New School House Gallery, York New School House Gallery exhibition
2012           (Apr/Mag) Gazelli Art House, Mayfair, London Gazelli Art House exhibition
2012           (Gen) Freud Museum, London Freud Museum London exhibition

2011            (Dic) Jagalonian University, Krakow, Poland
2011            (Set) Austria General Consulate Gallery, Cracow, Poland Austrian Consulate Gallery exhibition
2011            (Giu)Sigmund Freud’s Museum of Dreams, St. Petersburg, Freud Museum of Dreams exhibition
2011            (Gen) Sundaram Tagore Gallery, New York, USA

2010            (Ott) Centre for Jewish Culture, Cracow, Poland
2010            (Set) Sundaram Tagore Gallery, Beverley Hills, LA, USA
2010            (Set) New Center of Psychoanalysis in LA, USA
2010             Stone Speak, Freud Museum, London
09-10            Atonement, London Centre for Psychotherapy

2009             2 man show- Two Gether, Art Workers Guild, Bloomsbury, London
2009             Kosciuszko Foundation, New York, NY, USA
2009             Harrow and Wembley Progressive Synagogue, London
2009             New York Psychoanalytic Society & Institute, USA

2007             Muzeum Novojicinska, Pribor, Czech Republic
2007             Harrow Museum, London

2006             Beverley Knowles Fine Art, London
2006             Freud Museum, London
2006             Adele Boag Gallery, Adelaide, Australia

2004             Ashmolean Museum, Oxford

2001             The Gallery, University College Cork

2000             Det Norske Veritas, London Bridge
1999             Forum for Contemporary Art, St. Louis, Missouri, USA
1998             Marishal Museum, Aberdeen, Scotland
1998             Simmons Gallery, Bloomsbury, London
1997             Hunterian Museum, Glasgow, Scotland
1997             Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge
1997             Yorkshire Museum, York


2011- : Works on show Medialia Rack and Hamper Gallery NY, USA ‘Rim’
2010- :  Works on show in the Freud Museum Garden, London -‘Staff’
2007- :  Works on show at the Freud Museum, Pribor, Czech Republic Moments and Memories
2005- :  Works on show Victoria and Albert Museum, Gilbert Bayes Sculpure Gallery Decoration of the Rim
1979 :  Works on show by appointment at the British Museum, Prints and Drawings, Coins and Medals Depts.Drawings, Medals



2020          Gazelli Art House London
2018           La Lettura 260 Corpertine, Palazzo della Triennale di Milano, Italy
2018          Gold, Gazelli Art House, London
2018          Terra, Gazelli Art House, Baku, Azerbaijan
2018          RCA Secret 2018 Royal College of Art, London
2018          Medals and Miniatures Sladmore Contemporary, London
2018         Palazzo Lomellino, Lo Speccio e l’ombra, Genoa Italy
2018         Postcards from Prison, Sothebys, London
2018         Photography Gazelli Art House, Mayfair, London

2017           Arte e Perturbante Museum of Modern Art, Ascona, Lugano, Switzerland
2017           Human The German Embassy, Belgravia, London
2017           The Gallery, John Lyon School
2017           RCA Secret Postcard 2017 exhibition, Royal College of Art, London

2016           Icon Candida Stevens Fine Art, Chichester
2016           RCA Secret Postcard 2016 exhibition, Royal College of Art, London
2016           Spheres 9, Galleria Continua, Les Moulins, France
2016           Culturelines Sans Frontiers, Metamatic:art Foundation, Athens Greece
15-16           (27 Lug- 24 April) Facing History (Room 90) Victoria and Albert Museum, London
15-16          July 4,5  Brown’s London Art Weekend BLAW15, Gallery Safari Gallery Safari

2015           (13 Giu- 15 Lug) The Cut, Candida Stevens Fine Art
2015           (Giu) Newby Hall Sculpture Park, North Yorkshire, group
2015           (12 -19 Mag) Baroni Gallery, St. James, London, group
2015           (8-24 Apr) I dreamed I saw Saint Augustine, St. Augustine’s Tower, Hackney
2015           (26 Apr- 3 Mag) Good Figures, cur. By Candida Stevens, The Downland, Jerwood Gridshell, W. Sussex
2015           Good Figures, cur. By Candida Stevens, The Mall Galleries, London
         National Open Art Competition, Minerva Theatre, London

2014          Photography, Galeria Qahili, Prishtina, Kosovo – White Shadows
2014           Bad Behaviour, Brixton East Gallery, London
          Misbehaviour Catalogue curated by Art Catcher
2014           National Art Open, Somerset House, London
2014           Why War group exhibtion, Freud Museum, London
Why War
2014           Key note speaker for ‘The Way Things Look’ student exhibition at JW3, London The Way Things Look
2014           Newby Sculpture Park and Gardens, North Yorkshire, UK Newby Sculpture Park Sculpture

2013           (Nov) Auctioned print, Cara (Council for assisting refugee academics) Art Auction, LondonCara Art Auction
2013           (Nov) Judging Panel, Cara (Council for assisting refugee academics) Art Prize, London Cara Art Prize
2013           (Lug 20) Lewes Speakers Festival) Lewes Speakers Festival
2013           (Nov 14-24) Discerng Eye, Mall Gallery, London Discerning Eye
2013           (Ott 10) Shooting Star CHASE contemporary Art Exhibition, Royal College of Art Shooting Stars RCA exhib
2013           (Nov 27 -Jan 31) The Medal, Sladmore Contemporary, London Sladmore Contemporary
2013           (Giu18-Lug14) Whispers in a Microcosmos, Gallery H20 – Kyoto, Japan
2013           (Mar 14) Auction Exhib. ,Joss Searchlight, Blackall Studios, Shorditch, London Joss Searchlight Something Special
2013           (Mar)  Harrow School Bams Medal exhibition, Harrow, Middx. London

2012           (Mar) Art Bid for Ken Fundraising Auction, Gimpel Fils Gallery, Davies St, LondonGimpel Fils Auction
2012            (Nov/Dic) Permanent Collection, Lethaby Galleries, CSM, University of the Arts, London
2012            (Lug) Modern Medals, FIDEM, Huntarian Museum of Art, Glasgow, Scotland
2012            (Ott) In conversation with Estelle Lovatt, Chichester Lecture Series, Chichester
2012            (Ott 20) Speaker, Origin of Originality: Navigating the Artistic Cannon, Battle of Ideas, Barbican, London
2012            (Set) Culture exhibition, The Gallery, Harrow Arts Centre, NW London
2012            (Mag) In Conversation with Estelle Lovatt, Gazelli Art House, Mayfair, London
2012            (Mag) NPG Tours for Park Lane Hotels Art intitiative

2011            (Dic) Boundaries, Gazelli Art House in association with C99 Art Project
2011            (Ott/Nov) Silent Auction, Freud Museum
2011            (Set) Excessive Optimism Art Show, (Ancestor) Royal College of Art, London
2011            (Mar)  Down to Earth, Gazelli Art House at Paddington Studio    
2011             London Art Fair, Gazelli Art House Ltd

2010            Interview, H.Eisenschenk film Der Letzte Akt, Austrian Broadcast TV
2010            Scienar, National Universily of Art, Bucharest, Romania
2010            BAMS, National Museum of Wales

2009            AWG Annual Open, AWG, Bloomsbury, London
2009            (Set) ‘Vision Division’, Contemporary Art, All Saints Church, Harrow
2009            James May Plasticine Garden, Chelsea Flower Show, Royal Festival Hall
2009             Art on the Edge (Bams), Royal Cornwall Museum, Truro.
2009             Screening and presentation, Kosciuszko Foundation, New York, NY, USA.
2009             Fresh Air 09, Quennington Sculpture Park
2009             Screening at the Lung Yingtai Foundation, Taipei, Taiwan
2009             Screening, Uni. of Kaohsiung, Taiwan arranged by Geothe Institute
2009             Medialia Rack and Hamper Gallery NY, USA

2007             Florence Biennale, Italy
2007             Sausmarez Mannor Sculpture Park, Guernsay
2007             The Kowalsky Gallery, DACS, London
2007             Quex Museum, Kent
2007             FIDEM 07 Colorado Springs USA
2007             Nagoya University of the Art, Japan



2018              Artist in Residence, Old Psychiatric Hospital, 4th Quarter, Genoa, Italy
2018 (Lug)    Public Art Painting, Psychiatric Hospital, Rapello
2018              Mikail Tank interview for Archetypal Mosaic
2018              Harpers Bazaar interview, Harpers Bazaar Magazine, Japan
2018              German Emabassy exhibition -Utube Video
2018              Online ummary of Sacred Heart University, USA talk
2018 (Lug)    Workshop leader for Mind Body Passport at Freud Museum, London
2018 (Feb)    BBC London News Item – Sigmund Freud legacy (anniversary event)
2018 (Feb)    Participation in Conference on Claudio Costa, Palazzo del Pegaso, Florence

2017              Workshop leader for Mind Body Passport in Marrakesh, Morocco
2017              Soho Radio London – Arts hour
2017              Wendy Hurrell series – woman and art
2017              Sheldon Medal Commission, Oxford University
15-17             Harrow School Artists Residency Artists Lives for NLS

2016              Prime Warden Portrait Commission- William Parente
2016              British Library Sound Archives
2016              Online interview published by Bad Behaviour
2016              Inclusion in Florence Williams Podcast on ‘The Breast’
2016              Adelaide Damoah-Art successesVideo
2016              Telly Juice Creative Cut Video

2014             Kate Moss Coupe commission
2014             Winner of the Trebbia European Awards for Achievement in the Arts
2014             Polish TV filming at Freud Museum and of works in the Sladmore Exhibition
2014             Sheldon Medal Commission, Oxford University
2014             Workshop for 45 ParkLane ‘friend of the arts’ restaurant.

2013             Participation in film on Sigmund Freud, Ren TV, Russia
2013             Artist in Residence, Art Week, Chater Infants School, Watford, UK
2013             Artist’s talk, Art Week, Seer Green CE School, Buckinghamshire, UK

2012             Commission: Oxford University
2012             Friends of the Earth Middle East sponsored workshops
2012             Hampstead School of Art relief sculpture workshop
2012             Segro Young Artists Project: Patron’s talk at RSA, London

2011             Jon Snow’s review of 2011
2011             Family Fun Day workshop, Harrow Arts Centre, Harrow
2011             Presentation and workshop, Oasis Day, Christchurch, Southwark
2011             BAMS workshop, Ruskin School of Drawing, Oxford
2011             Harrow Limmud Day Presentation, Heathfield School, Pinner

2010             British Museum Workshop: Designing Medals
2010             Duo Print Workshop, Harrow Arts Centre
2010             Interview, H.Eisenschenk film Der Letzte Akt, Austrian Broadcast TV
2010             Multi Faith Workshops for Brent Council
2010             Guest Artist, Segro Young Artists Project
2010             Prime Warden Medal, Goldsmiths Hall
09-10            Oxford University Sheldon Medal portrait commission- Lord & Lady Sainsbury

2009             British Museum – Medals of Dishonour Workshop
2009             Harrow Council, Harrow Arts Centre – Spit Painting workshop
2009             ‘Inspiration’ National Museums online learning project- Video

2008             Online Residency, Brititish Museum (dept. of Ancient Egypt and Sudan)
2008             Interactive Workshop, Tower of London Foreshore Festival
06-08            Cambridge University Medal Commission

2006             Oxford University Sheldon Medal portrait commission- Dr.James Martin
05-06            Artist in Residence -Freud Museum, London

2005             Munton Medal, Lincoln University and Salve Regina University
2005             “Ella” Portrait Head Commission

2004             Oxford University Sheldon Medal portrait Commission- Wafic Said
2004             Lady Getty portrait bust commission

2003             Oxford University Sheldon Medal portrait commission- Lord Wolfson

2002             Artist in Residence- Museum of Coins and Medals, Kremnica, Slovakia
2002             J Paul Getty commission – double portrait medal
2002             British Art Medal Society annual editions
2000             Interactive project, Tower of London Foreshore Festival

2000              Arts Council Award for interactive World Flag project



2019 Paris Journal of Psychoanalysis Freud’s Art and its transgenerational impact
2018 Aracne online Magazine, Italian Object Authority
2018 (Mag) Autorita del’Ojjetto. (INFI) Museo Attivo Claudio Costa, Genoa, Italy
2018 Chapter- Paddle your own Canoe, Publication by Jonathan Burke – Psychoanalytic Perspective on …..and Art
2018 (Giu)  The Confluence of Freud’s Reveries and the Creative Process, Institute for ExpressiveAnalysis, NY USA
………………..Fo FPaper: Freud’s Medals, Screening: Dead or Alive Workshop: Family Ties/Fort Da
2018 (Mar) Paddle your own Canoe Sacred Heart University CT, USA

2017 (Set) Paddle you own Canoe Psike, Istanbul, Turkey
2017 (Set) Object Authority paper Sakip Sabanci Museum, Istanbul, Turkey
2017 Psychoanalysis and Art, Florence Symp. paper on Aesthetic Conflict: Ellipse Illusion-
             from the crescent to the whole of the moon
2017 Paper: Object Authority, Salesian University of Mestre, Venice, Italy
2017 Paper: Object Authority, NYU New York University, NY, USA
2017 Paper: Object Authority, Kean University, New Jersey, USA
2017 Paper: Object Authority,University of Pennsylvania, Newark, Philadelphia, PA, USA
2017 Paper: Object Authority TIMH, NY Psychoanalytic Assosiation, NY, USA
2017 Paper Object Authority paper, Yarrow Gallery, Oundle School, Peterborough, Cambridgeshire UK

2016 Paper: Object Authority, Old Speach Room Gallery, Harrow School, London
2016 Paper: Object Authority, Browns London Art Weekend, Mayfair Art Safari
2016 30 Nov -Discussant for Laurie Wilson on Louise Nevelson, Freud Museum, London
2016 Mother Mould pub. Warum Kunst?: Über das Bedürfnis, Kunst zu schaffen Broschiert by Karin Daneker

2015 Ott 3 Toronto Psychoanalytic Society and Institute paper on Aesthetic Conflict
2015 Lug 22 – 25 discussant, 49th Congress of (IPA), Boston, USA
2015 Lug 7, Mother Mould talk, Q&A with Estelle Lovatt, Gazelli Art House, Mayfair, London
2015 Giu 16, In the Mould of the Fathers, International Psychoanalytic University, Berlin
2015 Giu 18, Mother Mould, Weissensee Kunst-hochschule
2015 April 20 Freud, Art and the Mother, Freud Bar talks Café Rouge, Hampstead

2014 PsicoArt online publishers ‘In the Mould of the Fathers by Jane McAdam Freud
2014 Interview with Robert Frashure, published Psychology Tomorrow, Issue no. 10
2014 Lost Wax to Lost Fathers article pub. Routlege in Grief and its Transcendence by Adele Tutter
2014 In Conversation with Robert Snell, British Psychotherapy Foundation, London
2014 6th International Symposium Psychoanalysis and Art, Florence, Italy- lecture/paper

2013             (20 Lug)  ‘Taking Care’, Lewes Speakers Festival, East Sussex, UK
2013             (Agos 4) Psychological birth and Infant development, Pribor, Czech Republic
2012             Front Cover: La Lettura, Corrieire della Sera, Italy
2012             (Ott) Lucians Last Legs, International Ass. of Art and Psychology, Florence, Italy
…………………Fo Fpublication available from
2012             (Feb) Talk with images at Hampstead School of Art on Lucian Freud My Father exhib.
2011              Paper: Beyond: Earth Death, History of Ideas, Jagiellonian University, Krakow
2011              Paper: HIStory-same old new old. History of Ideas Cl. Jagiellonian University, Krakow
2011              Psycause Conference Chair, Opening and Closing presentation speeches.
2011              Speaker, Seminar on Sculpture led by Richard Wentworth
2011              American Psychoanalytic Association National Winter Meeting, Waldorf Astoria NY, Screening, Q & A
2011              Paper on Transformation, Aplimat 2011, Maths and Art, Slovak University, Bratislava
2011              Honorary Presidential Lectures, PsyCause, Pribor, Czech Republic
2011              Off the Couch online publication, Psychoanalytic and Culture, illustrated interview
…………………Fo FFor Freud’s Medals Paper -See page 14
2011             Intervista pubblicata su From Fantasy to Delusion by Lois Oppenheim

2010             Freud’s Medals (p 14), Panel discussion, Centre for Jewish Culture, Krakow
2010             Conceptual Art, London Philosophy Group, ICA
2010             Freud’s Medals, Middlesex University Conference
2010             Freud’s Medals, XXX1 Fidem Conference, Tampera, Finland

2009             Essay for Oriental Museum’s Treasures, Durham University
2009             Media Tek Lecture at the Lung Yingtai Foundation, Taipei, Taiwan
2009             Lecture at Uni. of Kaohsiung, Taiwan org. by Geothe Institute
2009             (Mar) British Council Travel Grant: Einstein & Picasso – Open Space Event
2008             (Nov) Screening, Participation in debate: Philoctetes Centre, NY, USA
2008             Screening, Moderator: Int. Sym. Psychoanalysis and Art, Florence, Italy
2008             Royal College of Art, Cross Currents #3, presentation on Visual Perception

2007             Presentazione al Waterstones book launch for Relative Relations
2007             Relative Relations by Jane McAdam Freud ISBN 10 0-9529848-1-4
2007             ‘an artist’s research journey’ Paper, Sym. ‘ org. by UNAM, Mexico City
2007             Q&A following film viewing: German Psychoanalytic Society, Berlin
2007             Paper, Plaster Casting Conference. Worcester Col., Oxford University

2006             We Do” exhibition catalogue
2005             Tokens or Treasure – an artists perspective” BAMS Conference
2005             De Beeldenaar Issue 5 (ISSN 0165 8654)
2004             Modern British Sculpture by Guy Portelli ISBN 0-7643 2111-0
2000             Treasures of the 20th Century, Goldsmiths Co., ISBN 0907814305
1996             Sculpture -On the Edge by Jane McAdam Freud, ISBN 0 9529848 0 6
1995             ‘Forms of Relief’, La Medailles, Paris, France




Tate Gallery Audio Archives – Seminar led by R. Wentworth
Victoria and Albert Museum, London
British Museum, London
National Gallery archives
Fitzwilliam Museum, Cambridge
Ashmolean Museum, Oxford
Yorkshire Museum, York
James Perkins Cast Collection at Aynhoe Park
Worshipful Company of Goldsmiths
Worshipful Company of Founders
C Hoare & Co Private Museum
HRH Queen Elizabeth
Royal Mint Museum, Llantrisant, South Wales
Central St. Martins, University of the Arts, London

National Arts Club, NYC, USA
National Museum of Ireland, Dublin
Carnegie Museum of Art, Pittsburgh, USA
Pulitzer Foundation, St Louis, Missouri, USA
National Museum of Copenhagen, Denmark
Mexican Academy of San Carlos
The National Gallery of Greece
University Museum Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium
Museum of Modern Art, Zendai, China
Freud Museum, Vienna
National Museum Prague
Berlin State Museum, Germany
University of Augsburg, Bavaria, Germany
National Museum of Coins and Medals, Kremnica, Slovakia
Rijksmuseum, Leiden, Netherlands
Brooklyn Museum, NY USA



Membro onorario dell’International Association for Art and Psychology, 2019

Royal College of Art Court Member 2016 -19
Founding Fellow of the Munton Medalliom
Past Secretary of the Harrow Visual Arts Forum
Past Secretary of the Society of Numismatic Artists/Designers
Fellow of the Society of British Sculptors (RBS)
Freeman of the Goldsmiths Company
Freedom of the City of London
Membro del comitato Scienar, European Science and Art Directive – online portal
Vecchio membro consiglio, Ora Membro associato of British Art Medal Society



1997-                        Associate Lecturer – Central St Martins, London
2007-                       Sculpture Tutor – Morley College, London
2012 –  2013           Project- Antwerp Academy of Fine Art, Belgium
2005 –  2007          Drawing Tutor – Beverley Knowles Fine Art Gallery, London
1989 – 1995            Visiting Tutor Royal College of Art